Finance For NonCFOs Online Course

Learn it yourself and get your financials DONE

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If you’re worried about the finances, chances are, you’re also not taking action to improve them.  It’s not easy to do, but working on your finance skills and putting systems into place can help you weather any economic storm, and turn those worries into choices, actions, and decisions. 

The online course that will give you control

Get yourself in the driver’s seat of your business finances with the Finance For NonCFOs online course. Participate from anywhere on your own time, or do a combination of e-learning + meeting with a supportive advisor. Get your team, the numbers, and your finances under control.

  • Delegate to your team: Learn the different financial roles in your company and identify who on your team can help, or who you need to onboard to take over for you.
  • Learn your blind spots: Each of us has financial strengths and challenges. Be aware of your blind spots, don’t overlook your core strengths, and know the signs of danger and risk to your business.
  • Know your numbers: Could you recite the key numbers for your business at any time without consulting your accountant or QuickBooks? Getting comfortable with the numbers will do wonders to get your finances on track.

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